WAY PAST COOL (3 outta 5 stars)
I have mixed feelings about this movie. On the one hand it is an interesting story... with decent performances and it's certainly worth seeing. On the other hand, it is based on one of the most amazing books about contemporary "gang" life that I have ever read. So, what I like to pass on to anyone reading this review is: if you liked the movie at all... GO AND READ THE BOOK- IT WILL BLOW YOU AWAY! A lot of people seem not to like the movie because the main characters are all around 12 years old and some of their actions seem a little unbelievable. Well, part of the problem with this movie is that it can't really get into the characters of all of the the kids in only 90 minutes. On the plus side, most of the kids are pretty decent actors. (I think the little white Jamaican boy is a bit weak... but he's not THAT awful.) The kid playing Gordon is great... he's just the way I pictured him when I read the book. The older gangstas... Deek and Ty are pretty good actors, too. I'm not sure that the movie quite comes together as a whole... but it is well directed for the most part... with some really excellent scenes. (It might seem really hokey... but I really liked the scene with the rabbit in the hat near the end. Oh, and the scene where Markita takes Ty back to her place to see his son. And Ty's speech about his dad and the grape popsicles. Great stuff!) I wish I could be as excited about the movie as I was about the book (and practically every other book Jess Mowry has written)... but it's certainly an admirable effort anyway.