I saw a sneak preview of this movie-- the only movie I've been looking forward to in a long time-- and I was not disappointed at all. This is a terrifically entertaining movie that is wholesome enough for the kids but has enough action and darker aspects to interest adults. It was like Zorro in just being an entertaining, fun movie for everyone.
They've done a great job of creating Joe-- he seems very real and interacts very well with the environments. They have also succeeded in giving him a very vividly drawn personality-- you really root for him and it's almost hard to believe that he's just a special effect and not a living being. Kids will fall in LOVE with him-- and the charming notion, presented in the movie, of being best friends with a 15-foot Gorilla.
The first trailers I saw for this made it look like an action movie, but the current trailers make it look like a heartwarming, Free Willy-Type of film. It really does both, but without being too sweet. Many people in my audience cried and cheered at the end. I hope this film does well and I would love to see a sequel. I think Joe will become a very beloved character in kid's minds.
--- Check out website devoted to bad and cheesy movies: www.cinemademerde.com