This is a made-for-TV thriller in which Rob Lowe stars as Tom Casey, who witnesses three teenage punks stealing from cars and reports their crimes to the police. As a result, the teenagers begin to terrorize him and his wife in retaliation.
This movie has its few suspenseful moments at times, making you eager to know what Tom Casey plans to do in dealing with those teenage boys and to stop them from their constant terror. Lowe wasn't bad in portraying Casey, doing the best as he can in this movie that lacks a lot of satisfying moments. You really want to root for him in giving those punks a taste of their own medicine, but, of course, with the lax judicial system, justice isn't swift.
You also really want to hate on the teenagers after all the pain they've cost; the actors who portrayed them did an OK job, with actor Eric Michael Cole's role being the most sinister and evil. Jennifer Grey, who portrays Casey's wife, though, was quite mediocre. She doesn't appear to be very believable in her emotions at times, although she tries. You do end up generating sympathy for her and Rob Lowe's characters.
Overall, it's a movie with some decent thrills, but you'll be left craving for more good guy vs. bad guy action.
Grade C-