The British knew how to make them. Even with low production values this comedy does well thanks to great direction and skillful actors. "Boys will be girls" is a Joe Rock Production directed by Gilbert Pratt and based on a story by Evelyn Barrie.
Matronly great aunt Emily went off to Africa and left behind her wanna be snobbish family. Ten years later, upon her death, the greedy family members awaits the reading of the will. Ready to celebrate their fortunes the family gathers the evening before with a big party. A great assortment of characters, comic ones, are all expecting to get their share of the inheritance. Plenty of comic gags and facial expressions early on in the film gives us an indication that this is going to be a fast ride.
The lead characters are Leslie Fuller as William Henry Jenkins and his old relative Nellie Wallace as Bertha. Both actors does well with the comedy and Nellie Wallace is a great comedienne, too bad she did not do many films. Another favorite is short actor Georgie Harris as Roscoe, the character that brings on the girls and gets William Jenkins into trouble. During the reading of the will the main benefactor, Jenkins, has to refrain from drinking, smoking and swearing and lead a moral life. Any violations of these conditions and the inheritance will go to Bertha. As Jenkins wife is called away to take care of her sick mother, Jenkis is alone at home. Roscoe and his bevy of beauties arrives on the scene and the race is on. Bertha wants to know if Jenkins can keep his promises and hope to catch him breaking the rules. Typical comedy and fun to watch. Perhaps some of the comic routines are out dated by today standards.
"Boys will be girls" also have an early film appearance by Norwegian actress Greta Gynt, here appearing with her original name, Greta Woxholt. Ms. Gynts career in British films would expand over twenty years and make her a star.
"Boys will be girls" is a fine production and it is interesting to see some nice art deco sets as well. This films merits is also a great display of some of Britains finest actors. Some of them only appearing in Bristish films during the 1930's. The film should be restored and made available one DVD. Private collectors of old 16 mm film reels are sometimes the only way to see films like "Boys will be girls". Lets hope The British Film Institute will restore more of their 1930's film. There still is an audience for them.