"Sex Wish" is a truly sadistic and sick porno horror that is very hard to watch.The plot deals with a drug-sniffing homosexual killer(Zebedy Colt,a true sicko of 70's hard core who can really act)who kills all the acquaintances of the helpless Ken(Harry Reems)for reasons which will not be made clear till the end of the film.The first victim on his slate is Ken's fiancée Faye.Wearing a stocking over his head,he forces himself into her apartment,ties her up with leather harnesses and rapes her graphically with a vibrator,all the while talking like a little child who has done something naughty.After masturbating on her,Colt then slits her throat with a rapier he has concealed in a cane.Ken returns to the apartment and to his horror finds Faye dead body.Ken remembers bumping into someone in the hallway and vows to hunt this man down and kill him."Sex Wish" is a nasty and mean porno horror.The torture scenes are pretty graphic and Zebedy Colt is hauntingly believable as a sadistic killer.The gore effects are amateurish,but the film is well-acted and dirty.Not for the squeamish.8 out of 10.