B-grade thriller has a bizarre sisterhood initiation that involves a Russian roulette round that ends in tragedy when one of the débutantes is executed. Seven years later the surviving members are summoned to a reunion at an isolated mansion. Despite the welcoming party, they soon discover that the fun and games are just beginning, and they're unlikely to ever leave.
Paul Carr and Joe E.Tata co-star as a pair of hired chauffeurs who inadvertently become stranded with the girls when the fence surrounding the compound is electrified; Tata went on to become a minor celebrity of sorts twenty years later in "Beverly Hills 90210". Playboy playmate, Clauida Jennings is 'ample' in her leading role, but she's somewhat overshadowed by her co-stars Boucher (a one-time Mrs George Peppard) and Howell in particular. Veteran Arthur Franz acts with restraint, though his role is largely confined to peering through door cracks, and making homemade bullets for his gatling gun.
Mildly suspenseful with a couple of chuckles, the plot contrivances are weak and the pace laboured for the lack of material, but still, there's an undeniable b-movie quality that prevails. If you're not too discerning and are familiar with the cast, you should find enough here to keep you entertained.