...Hey Surrender Cinema, what happened to the great editor(s) that created what we've come to expect in the incredible 'The House of Exotic Wax' and (the first) 'Femalien'? Ever since the release of these I've lost sleep eagerly awaiting your new flicks anticipating another cutting-edge scene that depicted unquestionable and believable 'soft' action (that's some really great faking or...). Now all you're producing is the typical ho-hum bedroom boredom available in any Shannon Tweed flick.
This serious disappointment had about four scenes where the hottest action was undercovers, always two people constantly pulling the sheets up over each other -- come-on people, it's all-too-obvious that they're ONLY playing "footsies"! Where were you intending for this to get released, in Saudi Arabia? And why did you disguise this celluloidal waste with an Unrated sticker when what you should've slapped on it was "Disney quality PG-13"?
Sorry guys, or maybe you should be sorry, 'cuz I no longer support your efforts to 'pull the covers' over my eyes. Geez, I've seen more skin and action on daytime soaps...