"Survivor"is a truly terrible "action" feature consisting of endless wandering around the desert, voice-over exposition and stock footage. The first half hour plays out as a silent film. Would-be sci-fi entry appears, from its credits and internal evidence, to be one of many features shot on the q.t. In South Africa and environs of late.
Attempt at a plot is in the "Mad Max" vein, with Chip Mayer in the title role as a NASA pilot who returns to Earth after witnessing World War III. He meets up with Kragg (Richard Moll), a despot identified as "the one who killed Qadaffi". Kragg has a harem of women, but wants Survivor to help him out with servicing them, in order to enrich the gene pool for the future civilization he is building. Sue Kiel is a tough babe irrelevant to the story but nice to have on the set for a sweaty softcore sex scene.
There is no continuity to this farrago, which features some pretentious writing to boot.