Plot that doesn't make sense? Scenes that go out of their way to be surreal? Yep, no surprise here that this film's script was written by Godfrey Ho, director of brain damaging crapfests Ninja Terminator, Ninja Protector and Robo Vampire.
I'll try and describe the plot to you but it's not easy. A teacher at a martial arts school for kids gets into a fight with a random guy and then runs off before the guy can return with his brothers (and the guy does return, wanting the teacher to teach him, although it's filmed and dubbed so badly I couldn't tell if they were being sarcastic). After rolling about in a pile of live snakes (?) and biting the head off a lizard (could have done without that bit), our guy squares up to two guys in a bar and rescues some waitress.
This is where things get a bit confused, as now we see our hero with a sidekick who saved his life (when?) and our hero also had an affair with waitress (also not seen by the viewer). He also ends up finding a tomb full of gold and becomes security chief of the local town, which leads to him being attacked by a fat prostitute and various other characters who all try to kick his head in while he fights back rather badly.
After many, many strange sights (like the marching band who have water pouring out of their instruments, subliminal flashes of boobs, fighting inter-cut with shots of animals) we get to a final battle that really resolves nothing story wise. The gold is totally forgotten about and we barely know who our hero is fighting in the first place. It's all a bit mad, but then it's Godfrey Ho that wrote the story, so what else do you expect?