I used to watch this quite a bit when i was younger, well mostly on Saturday evenings (cause that was when it was on. Even though the title said DON'T try this at home I always had the secret urge to Want to do the things presented on the show.
I think this show was quite dangerous as it used reverse psychology on you. If your told not to do something, it makes you want to find out why maybe the producers wanted people jumping off bridges and lying on nails? (who knows?)
I think the show had a strong message but I could never really work out what it was?
However I never got to do these amazing things as I could never find high enough bridges and deep enough rivers in my house...
...so actually the programme is wrong its not "Dont try this at home", its "you CAN'T do this at home"
Davina could have handled the show single handedly, Darren Day was a waste of money, They should have made him do something really dangerous, possibly something that he wouldn't have walked away from...