I hate cartoons. But thanks to the Swedish channel, Kanal 5 mistakingly regarding this as a cartoon for kids, I became devout Oggy-lover. Its brilliant and funny, and you never know what will happen, which is an enormous plus, predictability being the mortal enemy of any film. The stories have at least two or three twists and the tags that make you giggle even if your world is falling to pieces. Here you can watch a cartoon-cat reading while doing number one (and two too, I suppose), three annoying cockroaches with different personalities making his life hell, as well as that of his friend Jack, the breezy green macho-cat, who's into gadgets and motors of all sorts. It's also subtle and verges sometimes on a dream-like state more akin to the surreal. My personal favourite is the story when the cockroaches redneck cousin come for a visit, bringing a strange, reeking cheese, that..no I won't tell. Watch it if you can. You'll be a happier person.