This movie based on an actual event that occurred in Japan, is in the vein of Michael Douglas' "Falling Down" except that the character instead of using violence, takes it out on women that he subdues.
The man (Yuya Uchida) is a ticket puncher working for the Japanese railway. He has a dead end job and a wife that hounds him when he goes home. One day he saves Jun (Mie) from getting raped. He sneaks into her house few days later but gets discovered. Again few days later, as he's watching his son subduing an insect using chemical gets an idea to subdue women while they're sleeping so he won't be discovered while he sneaks into their home. He goes out and buys Chloroform to use to this end and puts together a gear so he himself won't be affected. He first uses this on Jun while she's sleeping, and later on Nerika (Reiko Nakamura) to relieve his frustration. His life if not already at a low point, from that point starts to take a further downward spiral.
For a movie with rather an underground theme, the cast and crew are all star quality. Many of the celebrities then who are still active today appears in this movie. Relative new comer Reiko Nakamura takes the center stage as the interest of the man. Her beauty is the key for this movie's success.
Yuya Uchida plays the role of frustrated middle aged man, and he expresses pathos that is perfect for this part. Interesting plot, and the motive of the man makes this movie one of a kind cult classic.