The movie is an adaptation of the well-known novel "Lazarillo de Tormes", which tells us the story of a kid in the streets of Toledo ad the end of XVI century. The adaptation, based on a text from Fernando Fernán Gómez (for theatre), is hard, good and moving. The quality of the actors is indubitable good (except Beatriz Rico, but her character is by far the worst of the film). The story, although quite confusing, with continuous flashbacks (a very great difference between the movie and the book), results interesting an entertaining. The problem, probably is that, compared with the original theatre play, the movie is not so strong, so powerful as the play. Despite the fact that there are the same actors, the result is not so depth and touching, actually, is a little disappointing, I expected enjoying it as much as the theatre play, but, despite is not bad, the movie is not as good as the original play. If you have not seen it, and you have read the book, maybe you'll like it, because the film is not bad, but I expected something better remembering the play.