Again, here's another one of these soaps, that didn't last the distance, and shortly faded, though it did really have potential. Let's be thankful for what running time it did have. Undermined, in that long list of course, by two obvious shows in question, one of them debuting a week before this, Richmond Hill was sort of a country town blossoming with for some reason, an atmosphere, very familiar with Blue Heelers and a little A Country practice. I remember a lot of moments from this show, and would of love to seen it repeated again. If I could get the whole DVD selection, I probably would. Heart throb Ashley Paske and Danielle Carter made a cute couple, and I'll never forget, Grandma Foote (Young Doctor's Gwen Plumb) Good performances all around, notably from Tim Elston and sadly as of late, Maggie Kirkpatrick in some of her best work. The young actors here were of a very talented caliber, and RH had another star- Ted Bullpit (Ross Higgins). RH was a very engaging and tasty soapie, that has the usual dramas, but I must say, this one did grow on me. I did like the young cop, who was orphaned by Grandpa Foote. Overall, quite a good drama, that 1988 is remembered for.