It seems in recent years that Star Wars games are getting remastered left, right and centre. The newest one is Star Wars: Episode 1 - Jedi Power Battles, I found the time to sit down and play this game and here is my review for it. The premise of the game sees iconic Star Wars characters going through the events of The Phantom Menace, taking down Battle Droids, Tusken Raiders & Mercenaries alike.
Now, I won't deny that it is pretty entertaining playing as this roster of characters especially lesser used characters such as Ki-Adi Mundi and Plo Koon as it added something a bit more to this game.
However, there isn't really any characterisation of these characters and it doesn't really matter who you are playing as, there is literally no real dialogue and no differentiation apart from a little bit of the combat.
As mentioned above, this game follows the story of The Phantom Menace, well kind of. It never really feels this way and it just feels like there is a background for these characters to go around and defeat enemies. The one thing to build to is the battle with Darth Maul but it sucks that this battle is underwhelming and incredibly cheap making it more frustrating then enjoyable.
Side Content
There are some side activities that can be completed, like playing as a Droideka and capturing Jar Jar Binks. Yeah, these are awful and though I applaud them for trying with side content but it really feels like an afterthought and is dull.
The gameplay is okay, I will give them credit that they gave all the characters unique combos and it did feel pretty unique depending on who you play as. But it felt like I was just hitting the bad guys with a stick and I just didn't feel like I was playing as a Jedi much. Also the blaster characters are pretty useless and you are never going to be able to complete the game with these characters.
The game has some okay graphics and most of the character models represent the characters well. The sound design is pretty good and takes most of it from the film. But some of the graphics are poor, especially for the villains and there is some annoying sounds such as Jar Jar screaming over and over again.
Overall, Star Wars: Episode 1 - Jedi Power Battles is a bad game that is incredibly dull and boring in the modern day. It belongs to the past and I wouldn't bother spending your time and money on it.
Rating - 3/10.