Still in search of the late Heath Lamberts I watched my VHS of Club Land. In this film Heath plays a mediocre comedian in Alan Alda's stable. Like most of this movie he got his innings mostly into one cameo appearance, which he of course did superbly, like everything else he ever did. And everyone else did their cameo appearances superbly well too. It would take an essay to describe and praise every actor's/actress' brilliant cameo as each followed the other throughout this wonderful movie. A great film like this doesn't come along too often and when it does it needs more treasuring from your viewers and commentators. I see that Alan Alda garnered his share of nominations and awards for his role as the agent, and rightfully so. It's one of the finest examples of the actor's art I've ever seen, practically Olivier, who played a similar role as a broken down vaudeville comedian in his 1960 movie, The Entertainer. Writer/actor Steven Weber seems to have credits a mile long since 1984 and no doubt equally well deserved. This film is one of his few solely written scripts, and boy, should he be doing more of this! Such a touching, beautiful story superbly told, with psychological, ethnic, social, and historical nuances of the "old days" woven through and through. He should be the next Neil Simon. I'll look for more of his work.