Not wishing to sound like a mad dub hater, I have to say that anime dubs are getting worse. Sailor moon was bad. Pokemon was bad. This is unforgivable.
It seems that this time the intention was to completely change the show, it was not just something that happened. The voices are nowhere near as good as the Japanese original, some characters (particularly Tomoyo, who incidentally is one of my favourite anime characters of all time) have completely new personalities, and most of them have the wrong names.
Add to this Sakura and Tomoyo's relationship has been severed, most episodes have been missed out, the rest have been butchered, and to cap it all off, Kero sounds like Rumble out of Transformers. (Not wishing to insult the great Frank Welker)
I'm sure there are some kids around who might like this, but the original is far superior. I'm just glad it's coming out on DVD subtitled.