I found "Blackfly" by accident one Saturday afternoon. It lacks the finesse and bite of such Canadian comedies as "Corner Gas" or "Royal Canadian Airfarce" but it still has its moments and it makes me feel good. It's one of those shows, like "History Bites" that is destined to remain within the sphere of Canadian broadcasting, because a lot of the humour will go right over the heads of non-Canadians watching it. I particularly like the little "in-jokes" such as this exchange here:
Ti-Jean: Someday a Frenchman will run this country! Blackfly: You're talking out the side of your mouth, my friend.
Who else immediately pictured Jean Chretien? One drawback of jokes like this is that they might be too sophisticated for a younger audience. I teach History to teenagers and have thought about using this, but after trying them on "History Bites" and having moments where I was the only one laughing, I might give the matter some thought.