<"If you are interested in the theatre, there is a good chance that you will like it.>"
And an equally good chance that you will not! Unless you enjoy aimless dialogue that keeps you "Waiting...." until the final merciful curtain.
I'm not criticizing this film version. I wouldn't subject myself to it since I dislike the play so much. I first encountered it in college, hated it then and have managed to almost completely avoid it ever since.
We're all entitled to our opinions so please don't trash or try to correct mine. I know Beckett is considered an "icon" but I'm an open minded person who's given this "sacred cow" all the chances to interest me that I intend to. As a semi-pro actor I've been suggested for both the "main" roles but I couldn't imagine the torture of having to struggle through this script. Or to memorize these meandering lines!!
Sorry, folks, but I guess Beckett just isn't my cuppa !! Perhaps if I still drank alcohol,,,,, Joe