Dear IMDb-ers, This B-movie, which was originally titled "Peak Experience" and then "Lost Lake", may be a new genre of movies, let's call it 'Promance Movies", because it has elements of porn in it, but its actually very romantic, so abridge that categories of p(orn)romance into 'Promance' as a new film category which the Adams (the married director team of this movie) may have inadvertently invented. Porn is brutal; this new type of film you can have your date watch with you. No XXX stuff here per se,(although it has an incandescent hot tub scene with Ms. Angel Boris, who was the Miss July 1996 Playboy centerfold model, and a great actress, which is worth the price of the DVD alone)but you connect emotionally with the thespians and their spiritual growth or whatever, but everyone complains about the storyline. I got a possible explanation of this peculiar storyline, which is that they all were experiencing a 'paradigm shift' of reality itself, in which the forces of life and death, order and chaos, good and evil, arranged catastrophic events around them, because like the calm eye of a hurricane, it was required that they all survive in a central zone of safety while the whole world shifted around them, apparently because they were all 'prime movers' in the future history of humanity,(this belongs on the SciFi Channel) which the forces of darkness were trying to eliminate, while the forces of good shielded them, noticeably with 'Pre-Javu', the opposite of 'De Javu' where you flash backwards in time, they 'flashed forward' to get a heads up of their immediate future to avoid it subtily. This storyline might have worked better if the film was twice as long, and with some deux ex machina like a talking laptop hotlined to heaven, to make those details apparent, and loaded with a lot of SciFi apocalyptic or doomsday CGI effects, but making the flick twice as long, would have made this movie too long, commercially, for the mainstream audience's attention span, it wouldn't have sold. Maybe they could do that with a new DVD release with the thespians doing things in a 'Blue Screen' room, (they couldn't use the same setting, because apparently this was a story they created, that was wrapped around a brief availability of a mountain skiing lodge, and they may not be able to get the set again, although they could 'MacGyver' a virtual version of the same original sets in the CGI 'Blue Screen' room, to superimpose later) for an alternative or extended ending with more CGI special effects added to make the storyline stronger. That version would do well as an mini-series on the SciFi Channel. Still,overall, I recommend it!