Zig Zag (Sam Jones III) is a fifteen years old autistic teenager, living with his abusive father Fletcher (Wesley Snipes), who frequently beats him. Fletcher charges him for a rent of US$ 200,00, otherwise he would be thrown out of his home. Although working washing dishes in a restaurant, whose owner Toad (Oliver Platt) humiliates him very often, Zig Zag does not have the money and becomes worried with the situation. Zig Zag sees Toad opening his safe, memorizes the combination and in the night he steals almost ten thousand dollars. When he comes back home, Fletcher takes all the money from him and uses it to repay a loan to the dangerous Cadillac Tom (Luke Goss). Singer (John Leguizamo) is the best friend of Zig Zag and when knows what he did, he decides to return the money to Toad's safe, otherwise Zig Zag would be sent to a reformatory. However, Singer is very sick, having a terminal cancer, and her uses the support of the prostitute Jenna (Natasha Lyonne) to accomplish his intent. This movie is almost good, but something does not work well in the story. The cast has a great performance, but the genre is too corny for a drama, too slow for an adventure and too dramatic for a comedy. My vote is six.
Title (Brazil): `Conduta Ilegal' (`Illegal Behavior')