An absolutely dreadful rendition of Gauguin's life on Tahiti.There is no sense of his passion in a wonderful adventure in the South Seas and the real difficulties he faced.Having studied this painters life in some detail I find this biopiic unbelievably innacurate. We even have his wife Mette loving his paintings from Tahiti, which in reality she despised. There is even a scene of her at his exhibition in Paris, an event she refused to attend.She never appreciated any of his work. If a filmmaker or writer embarks on a biopic picture they need to keep the basic facts correct. The Directing and editing is very slow and not very entertaining. It is difficult to blame the actors with such a pedestrian script but I found the casting quite misguided. Gauguin must be quaking in his grave at this effort at portraying his brave and noble life in pursuit of his art.