Oh this is bad. I knew within a couple minutes this was going to be awful. The cruise ship scene with the flames was a riot. It only got worse from there.
Some spoilers with questions:
When the attack on the casino happened, what was up with the guys coming down from the rafters on ropes? This place obviously had no security so they could have walked right in, automatic weapons and all. Also, when one of the swat guys gets blown backwards, you can see the rope pulling him backwards, twice. Oh yeah, since when does the SWAT team use a school bus (painted white).
The sports car (a Miata) on the casino floor. Keys just happened to be in it and to give the illusion that one of the bad guys was going fast while driving it, they showed close ups of his face and the background as a blur. When he was shown from 20-30 feet away, he was going all of 15-20 mph (if that).
Why are they always blowing up slot machines with grey painted tap lights?
Numerous stock footage of police cars, ambulances, etc. Rather obvious since the film color didn't match. Also, when the bridge blows up, there is one car that goes over that makes more of an explosion that the Shell tanker that went over first!
What happened to the scaffolding that Maxwell was on when they showed him at the bottom of the dam?
Too many other things to list. Wonder what the budget was for this...