1-The Hardy Boyz vs. Hurricane & Lance Storm vs. The Big Show & Spike Dudley vs. The Dudley Boyz (WWF Tag Team Champions) I expected a more exciting match but it was not bad. 5.5/10
2-Raven with Terri vs. Saturn I prefer Raven in the hardcore division and I consider Saturn as a good wrestler. The crowd was not in it, nothing great, nothing that bad either but forgettable for sure. End of the silly but yet still quite funny Moppy storyline. 4.5/10
3-Christian vs. Edge (WWF Intercontinental Champion) Brother vs.Brother. Not as good as I expected but still decent. However, this is nothing compare to the great ladder match they had at No Mercy in the next PPV. 6/10
4-Kronik with Steven Richards vs. The Undertaker & Kane (WCW Tag Champions) OK, in the edition of Smack down before that, Kronik squashed Kaientai, maybe they should have wrestle a more experienced team like the APA. Anyway, they are not very good wrestlers. Taker and Kane sold as much as they could. Taker and Kane are not made to be a tag team. I can't imagine what this would have been if it was not Taker and Kane taking on Kronik. 3.5/10
5-Rob Van Dam (WWF Hardcore Champion) vs. Chris Jericho When you have RVD and Jericho in hardcore match, you expect a 5 stars match and that exactly what we've got. Fantastic effort by these two men. I'm just not too happy with the ending, a match of this quality don't deserve such ending. 9/10
6-Booker T and Shane McMahon vs. The Rock (WCW Heavyweight Champion) Better than Rock vs. Booker at Summerslam(which was not bad by any means). So pretty good match with some good moments, Shane certainly added a lot to the match. 7.5/10
7-Rhyno vs. Tajiri (WCW US Champion) with Torrie Wilson Better than I thought but am still surprised to see this that high in the card. Good match, nothing great but entertaining. 6/10
8-Kurt Angle vs. Steve Austin (WWF Heavyweight Champion) Much hype around this one. They had a classic at Summerslam. Is this better? No. Is this still great? Hell yeah! Great contest. Austin vs. Angle is never a disappointment. Too bad 2001 is the only year we had a feud between them. Great ending to the event.
Overall, the PPV had its ups and downs. It started slowly but ended strongly. RVD vs. Jericho and Austin vs. Angle turned out to be great contest.