Ginko bed 2
While a huge fan of Ginko bed 1 I do have it on VCD. I remember GB1 to be a sorta Korean version of Ghost(you know demi moore,Swayzee) calling this film a sequel is kinda a stretch. It would be like making a fantasy film about another dimension with Zuhl and the gatekeeper and calling it a Ghostbusters sequel.
I was drawn to this film to by a comparison that comments from the Sing Young here San Diego had put on the box referring to it as `A South Korean Conan'. I don't think that is fair. A South Korean Lord of the rings maybe. You see there is a holy mountain, a quest which involves the sacrifice of a woman who is loved by two warriors.
The massive swords are about the only thing Conan and this film share.
That is not to say I didn't enjoy the film. I did. There was massive amounts of brutal battles and touches of well done CGI effects. The film however would have been better off to fully embrace the fantasy element with some Wire-fu. They went for a more brutal style of fighting, a style done brilliantly in MUSA but this is not MUSA.
The biggest problem with the fill was the melodramatic romance that looked like a what I imagine a Korean Days of our lives to seem like. It was also cool to see the woman from Shiri return with another awesome role.