Shot (1973)
*** (out of 4)
A pair of detectives are trying to bring down a drug kingpin who is constantly killing anyone who gets in his way. Everything the detective's have tried has ended with disappointing results but they finally manage to get to the dealer's girlfriend and she agrees to help.
SHOT was filmed while director Mitch Brown was attending University of Illinois and the total film was shot for around $18,000.00. That's a pretty amazing figure when you watch the movie because while there's nothing original here story-wise the film does look extremely good. What impressed me the most about SHOT was the execution because the director really did try to make this film bigger than it actually was.
The film looks as if the budget was a lot more than it was because there's just so much going on. Typically when movies have a budget like this they do everything they can to make sure they don't try to do anything big or anything that is going to add to the budget. What was amazing is the fact that this movie has a lot of helicopter shots, several gunfights and there are also some pretty bloody death scenes. Not only that but the film has some car chases that were rather impressive considering what the filmmakers had to work with.
The performances range from decent to poor but none of them are bad enough to ruin the film or to take you out of it. There's no question that SHOT looks and feels like a student film and it's certainly not as technically impressive as something like Martin Scorsese's first feature. You can also say that the story isn't that original and nothing fresh was done with it. With that being said, fans of 70's cinema will enjoy seeing how creative the filmmakers were without having much money.