I really enjoy this show because of its humor, colorful characters, and great voice actors. I'm sure there's many people who wouldn't care for this type of show, but it has a HUGE Internet fan base, with many many many fan sites devoted to it (check out ericandamelie.tripod.com or numbuh69.proboards39.com/index.cgi.) Also, the show's creator answers your emails and he's very cute. ^_^
Anyway, the show is about an organization called the Kids Next Door. The show follows one sector of the organization in particular, Sector V. The leader of Sector V is Nigel Uno, aka Numbuh 1, and his fellow team mates (operatives) are also known by their codenames: Numbuh 2, Numbuh 3, and so on. There are five operatives in Sector V, and each bring a unique skill/gift/characteristic to the show. For example, Numbuh 2 is an engineer, and he's obsessed with airplanes. Once in awhile, he may crack a *few* witty puns. Numbuh 3 is Japanese, and kind of an airhead. Numbuh 4 is Australian and the "tough guy" on the team (he's also the shortest!) While Numbuh 5 is American, and does the spying for the team. You may like it or not, but I say just watch it once. You never know.