This is a movie that could of continued for another 2 hours and I wouldn't of minded nor thought about. I hated that it ended so soon, I was really into it, really behind all the characters. I feel the only mistake the film makers made was to have it end like it did, there was too much left over that needed to be answered. Like I said I could of continued to watch this a lot longer. The acting was superb, the story lines golden. It had the right amount of humour mixed in with the serious aspects. A true look at the behind scenes of a brothel. I even felt myself concerned for Rickie, she clearly had a lot of baggage that we just didn't get to see, only a small glint in her expression, there was more of a story to be told there. Same with Shayna and what happened with her fiancé, same with them all to be honest. I felt given more time in this movie they could have developed each character further because what they had created were a bunch of amazing characters that you wanted to watch grow. The writers, creators made a huge mistake cutting it so short, because they leave you with incomplete characters that really deserved a proper ending. So that would be the movies biggest flaw but apart from that I give it a 10 out of 10 because I would add this movie to my collection, its something I would watch again, I thoroughly enjoyed it just writers...get off you arses and complete the story please! Completely recommend this if you like a good story, and something real to watch. While they work in a brothel there is slim to non nudity, and barely any sexual content, which is good it means you can focus properly on the story, and the pornographic aspect doesn't completely take over. I know that was a worry of mine before I started watching but I was surprised.