OK- actors- there are none in this film. There are simply poser idiots who wish they could act- one major problem with these complete idiots is the direction and the complete lack of any acting ability- Imagine the dumbest jock at your high school- now hand him a script he has never seen before- and tell him to read it aloud- now you have the caliber of the dialog in this movie.
THis is the kind of thing some idiot wrote while flunking out of film school and his girlfriend thought it was awesome because she smokes crack and has no ability to differentiate crap from a good movie.
This is my theory- since it is one of the few situations that can spawn such a useless turd of endless non-acting, wooden script reading and imbecilic non-believable casting.
It's crap. It doesn't get ANY worse than this without intentionally trying to be terrible.
THE FUNNIEST THING ABOUT THIS MOVIE: These so-called actors all make the same ROOKIE mistake --- they cannot keep their eyes off the camera!! THey look from left to right very quickly in a failed attempt to keep their eyes off the camera and "act natural" You will continually catch these COMPLETE MORONS looking into the camera by a simple lack of any skill whatsoever.
I heartily suggest everyone in this movie get a real job quick because none of them have any future in film-making if they stay at this caliber level!!