"All Stuck Up" is a painfully unfunny short from writer/director George Lemaire. Much of it is that it plays like a series of Vaudeville bits instead of a film about real people. And, much of it is because no one can be as stupid as the two paperhangers in this film.
A rich couple has hired men to wallpaper their house. Soon, however, their boss tells them they're going on strike and the couple are stuck with a room that is completely torn apart by these workers. So, the wife nags the husband to find some paperhangers and he finds two sub-humans who manage to make Moe, Curly and Larry look like Nobel Prize winners!
In the meantime, and completely unrelated to this, a transvestite performer arrives at the house and pretends to be a society lady. Why? I have no idea.
The film is just terrible and it's incredibly overdone and unfunny. The only thing of interest might be the cross-dresser, as it's the type act you might have seen in pre-code Hollywood but NEVER once the new code was enacted beginning in July, 1934. Such characters were then strictly taboo.
Had the film been subtle and in any way believable (even for a comedy) it might have been enjoyable. But the lack of a real plot, some bad acting by the paperhangers and the lack of laughs make this very tough going.