For our international friends, Ed the Sock is a grey sock puppet, with green hair, round eyes, smokes a cigar and has a voice you would imagine coming from a raunchy sailor. What makes Ed The Sock so special is his off the cuff & innuendo laden humour. Some of the things he has said on his show are priceless! "Ed's Night Party" is taped with a live studio audience in the ChumCity building at City TV in Toronto. It's set-up like a talk show, and is complete with go-go dancers, and a hot tub that a chosen studio guest can share with some heavenly honeys! His guests (usually videotaped) range from some big Hollywood names all the way over to porno stars. Usually, Ed visits some far off destination like Fort Lauderdale to report on the festivities, and take in some wholesome wet t-shirt or chug-a-lug contest.
Not only does Ed The Sock have this TV show, he has proven to be pretty talented in other facets of TV. Some of his achievements are the "Fromage Awards" held annually at Much Music where he celebrates some the the cheesiest videos from the past year. He has also released a CD. Ed got his start on the local community access channel, then climbed aboard the ranks at City TV to spread his rye & funny sense of humour to a larger audience. For someone that has been a fan of Ed The Sock since his "Cable 10" days, it's great to see him get the exposure that he justly deserves.