Lacey Cole,a beautiful young widow living in an isolated cabin in the forest of the great American Northwest,is forced to fight for her very survival when she lets a stranger into her life.Michael Bodine,an escaped serial killer and demented genius with bizarre psychic powers takes on the personality of Lacey's dead husband,lulling her into a state of open trust and romance.When Michael reveals his true identity,a life and death struggle begins,pitting Lacey's ingenuity against a consummate evil genius.The above synopsis of "Hobbs End" sounded pretty good for me,unfortunately the film itself was quite mediocre.There are some nice visuals and the snowy location sets provide a little bit of atmosphere,but "Hobbs End" is too long and quickly becomes dull.The acting is surprisingly passable with a beautiful Catarina Conti giving a likable performance as the lonely widow.Not a great amount of blood either.Give it a look,if you have nearly 2 hours to waste.6 out of 10.