I do not understand why anyone would complain that this project will not be successful. It is obvious that Silicon Knights is doing everything they can to maintain the storyline, dialogue, and stylistic visuals. MGS is one of the greatest videogames of the past 10 years, but, truth be told, the original is no longer graphically impressive. Don't believe me? Try popping the game into your PSX or PS2, you may be surprised at how awful the game looks when compared to today's standards.
I'm in no way bashing the game, it was groundbreaking in terms of storytelling, gameplay, and graphics. However, like many 3D PSX games (including other revolutionary games like Final Fantasy VII and Tekken) MGS has not survived the test of time.
The Twin Snakes is a fantastic way of bringing new life to a dying classic. I have much faith in Silicon Knights, they know how to make videogames and make them right. Their great, yet overlooked, title Eternal Darkness is one of the best Gamecube titles to date. Working with material as strong as the original MGS, there is little chance that The Twin Snakes will disappoint. For all you PS2 and XBOX owners who are bashing this game, give it a rest. XBOX was lucky enough to get MGS: Substance, and PS2 is getting the sure-to-please title MGS: Snake Eater later this year.
Nobody should overlook this remake of the original genre-defining game.