"Jessica" is a dramatic and heartfelt true story. The adaptation of Bryce Courtenay's novel is more wonderful than I could ever have expected, as it tells the story of a gut-wrenching story of a hapless life. The acting is brilliant all around.
Leanna Walsman is perfect as main character Jessica Bergman, with her good looks and her extreme talent she tells a remarkable story of a heartbreaking life.
Oliver Ackland is excellent as Jack Thomas, the love of both Jessica and her spoiled sister Meg's (Megan Dorman) life, with his handsome charm and love for Jessica, how can you not like him? Wil Traval is just as superb as Billy Simple, the brain-damaged friend of Jessica & Jack. Traval puts in a beautiful performance.
Sam Neill is wonderful as the drunken lawyer of both Billy & Jessica, Neill is the icing on the cake. Tony Martin is also great as Jessica's dad Joe, his love and support for Jessica is beautiful. With other great supporting actors such as Lisa Harrow, Megan Dorman and John Howard "Jessica" is a soulful and riveting mini-series. 10/10