Before renting this via Netflix, I assumed there was something special or different about this production that would justify it's manufacture and distribution on DVD. I was wrong. This is your basic beefcake slide show; actually, rather ordinary beefcake when you get right down to it; the 15 men featured are attractive enough, but not outstandingly so, so that - in its way - has it's appeal. The DVD is easy enough to watch on that level because these guys are like some you see out and about in your town. But that's about all that is good about this disc. Very soon into the film I began to get annoyed: the poses these guys were placed in: really cheesy and dreadful...biting on a sword (puleeze), the 'just hangin' out with my handy ax' pose, and the ubiquitous "someone just ran over my dog" pout on the face of almost every guy; (so novel!) Most of the production was the kinds of things a first year high school photography student would do; and some are not even that good. (and this guy is a professional photographer? in who's opinion?) Also, the photographer's narration of the different models is distracting; the background about each guy is your basic made-up schlock and is unbelievable: the the DVD would be better without it. Equally distracting - maybe more-so - is the prose when the narrator tries to wax poetic: the writing is just tragic tragic tragic. I guess they couldn't afford an editor? All in all, this little movie really misses the mark on almost every count. Go out and buy a nice photo book of beautiful men and you will be much better entertained....a '2' rating is about all this thing is worth.