First let me say I watched this twice in the same evening. Reason for doing that was to try & find something good to say about it. Let me start by asking where did they find the cast. Apart from Deb Rochon and Lilith Stabs the rest of the ladies were atrocious to look at. Any of them ever hear the phrase sex appeal, I wonder ? The plot had potemtial but the acting was terrible. Amy Lynn should stay behind the camera & leave the acting to Deb & Lilith. Deb was great in her role. Lilith as Holly the house slut was totally under used. Her one semi nude shot ( Bra & garter slip on stairs ) was one would think at least the lead up to some further lingerie shots but alas it was not to be. The missed opportunity to showcase Miss Stabs natural oozing sex appeal should be a class a misdeameanor if not a more serious offence. The male participants were there only for the free beer as there was no talent whatsoever among them. Fans of Rochon can feel good about her performance and fans of Stabs can only hope that someday some producer will use that natural sexy body.