Produced in Mexico, this telenovela (short novel adapted for television) is presented entirely in Spanish, without subtitles. Even though I understand Spanish, I think that's a shame because many English speakers would love this soap opera. I introduced it to some my English speaking friends, and they loved it. The only problem being the lack of sub-titles.
The characters immediately charm you. There is no more attractive cast appearing in any soap opera or telenovela anywhere.
The plot is less formulated than other telenovelas, resulting in a few surprises and twists that even the most seasoned enthusiast won't anticipate. The scenery is gorgeous too featuring Cancun and its fabulous beaches.
There is an element of comic relief provided by the Loreto character, (as portrayed by Miguel Pizarro), a gay fashion designer, and grand confidant of Rubi. He is famous for his comments that always begin with "Rubi, tan bella como..." meaning "Rubi, as beautiful as she is..." followed by an observation such as... ambitious or... desperate, etc. His infamous lines always end a scene in which Rubi shows her true colours, and not the beautiful and kind face she shows to others, in order to manipulate them.
Rubi really is a selfish, two-faced woman but, as portrayed by Barbara Mori, you really can't hate her, even when she truly deserves it.
I have watched many a telenovela from beginning to end, and this one is my favourite. I was a little disturbed by the last episode, but perhaps that's what makes this telenovela so good. My second favourite it "Amor Real".