I have to admit, I cribbed that line straight from the movie. I'm not sure if the actor was trying to put his personal spin on "what the heck" or if the writer is just plain retarded, but that is the caliber of dialogue you are likely to find in Intermedio. I know, I know, it's a horror movie, who gives about the dialogue? Is there gore or nudity in this? Yes on gore, no on nudity - which is a shame, given their leading lady. The gore was cool and I have to admit the intermedio was kind of creepy. But really, some of the situations in this movie are so ridiculous it will make you yell out, "Oh, come on!" in a movie whose premise involves white drug dealers, haunted caves, and men who can endure massive mutilations without immediately going into shock. But other than that, there isn't much to recommend this movie since it isn't even funny enough accidentally to make it worthwhile. There are bright spots, however. The intermedios, as I've said before, are kind of creepy. There are some nice computer effects in there and the sets are actually far and above what one would expect from a low budget movie. In short, hats off to the makeup/effects people, the location scout, and the wardrobe folks for putting the ladies in tight T-shirts. The writer and director, on the other hand, should be fed to the lions.