The concept was wonderful, but the final product did not meet it's potential! The story line was inventive, with the capacity to move and touch viewers. The music was an asset for artistic and story telling purposes. Unfortunately, there were a number of wrinkles in this piece. Aesthetically, Elizabeth D'Onofrio's wig looked horribly fake. The actor playing the husband appeared considerably younger than the wife, which didn't seem to fit the story line. The costumes worn by the husband and wife were excellent choices - timeless and classic - but the costume worn by the young lady was too modern and stood in stark contrast to the rest of the look and feel of this piece. The effects were sketchy, unpolished, and under developed. Again, good ideas that didn't live up to aspirations. The jumps and blurring might have been a good start to give the film an aged look, but the editor could have also added bubbles and hair-lines, speed-ups and slow-downs to complete the intended appearance. Furthermore, the progression of the storyline was too compressed. The development of the relationship should have happened over several meetings. As it stands the physical contact that takes place was too overt and over the top. It also would have been nice to see more in the kitchen than just stirring chocolate and dipping strawberries. She seemed bored and disinterested in the process, rather than frustrated and saddened by what was happening in the shop. There would have been more impact if the viewers saw the confections as a labor of love and mastery.