This series has to be the second best series on French Canadian television. "Le retour" being the best. Both series were written by the same writers, Anne Boyer and Michel D'Astous.
The story revolves around a century (starting in the year 1900) in the lives of two families; the rich Desrochers-Mannings who own a summer home and the poor Belziles their closest neighbors. The rich and the poor's lives are intermingled in a realistic way.
Since the story revolves around the summer home over 100 years, more than one time line is followed at the same time. We may see one character as a child and in the next scene as an adult. The "future" scenes are intermixed wonderfully well with the "past" from the very beginning of the series. We see shadows of things to come in the past and shadows of the past in the future scenes. The eras merge together in a magical, brilliant way that helps us fully understand the story since the past in intimately linked to the future.
The characters are wonderfully coloured, as usual for these writers. The acting is wonderful and the visual effects are superbly convincing. This is a very different type of show with brilliant ideas. Anne and Michel outdid themselves on this series! Most of the actors are well known and do a superb job! All around an excellent series!