I wanted to take my two boys to see Madagascar but the seats all sold out, so we went to see Heidi despite a lot of grumbles! From the opening shots of the Alps we were all captured by the narrative and settings. The costumes by Mike O'Neill show great care and attention to detail, the interiors of the Alpine hut are rough and by no means fit for a chocolate box, and the acting was spot on. Max Von Sydow used his usual consummate acting skills to convey a man hurt by life and other human beings, an exile from love. Emma Bolger, with her Irish lilt was not at all cute, but was simple delight to watch. On only one occasion was I conscious she was reciting lines. Heidi brings the old man to life in a slow and quiet way that was gentle and subtle. When Heidi is taken to Frankfurt, the costumes and interiors are authentic once again. If there is anything to criticise in this film it is the slow pace, but this helps in some ways to give the atmosphere of 19th Century Alpine life. A great Christmas film, and a treat for mums and dads too!