The Impossible Kid is the sequel to For Your Height Only, the first Filipino James Bond spoof starring the one and only dwarf action star extraordinaire, Weng Weng. Sadly, despite the end credits promising a third instalment entitled License Expired, that film was never made and so The Impossible Kid is the final entry in this most bizarre series. It carries on in exactly the same vein as its predecessor with Weng Weng playing a secret agent who not only easily defeats foes three times his size with martial arts skills but who is also irresistible to women. It's naturally a completely ludicrous set-up which is played out as if it might be the most normal scenario to ever unfold.
Weng Weng is Agent 00, who is an Interpol agent who is out to bring down some bad guys. I can't remember the storyline, it was forgettable. What makes this one worth viewing is Weng Weng. The film may well be exploiting his stature pretty obviously but never be in any doubt this little guy is a serious action actor. He engages is some seriously dangerous looking stunt work, one of which involves him being lowered on a shaky bit of rope down from the roof of a high building. One false move and it would be bye-bye Weng Weng that's for sure. He is a tough little cookie. With his pudding bowl haircut and disco suit he makes for a memorable central character that is for sure. In this film, he even gets to travel around on a mini motorbike, which seemed to have about as much power as a garden lawnmower, yet on which he manages to jump over a ravine while travelling at perhaps two miles an hour.
This is one of the many Filipino genre films that were made during the period. Like all the others it's a cheap production. Everything is pretty basic and it wouldn't be very good at all if it didn't have its star actor to focus on. It does have to be said though that, similar its predecessor, the novelty does wear off a bit after a while. Weng Weng is game throughout but the action does get a bit samey. But, on account of its great central actor, this one can only get positive points.