Well i would like to start with the screenplay..like the previous part the story also somehow remains the same..two guys n one girl..guys fight and girl well she too..but on the other hand...the whole storyline was good but the only thing that was lacking is the climax..could have been much better like the previous one so a total letdown in the end but otherwise the director somehow manages to keep the audience engaged till the end.
I would like to also talk about the cinematography. though HK cinema or any other cinemas are famous for their experimentation in the fight scenes and no matter where you go one will always find that Asian Stunt Directors always does superior jobs compared to Hollywood..but some times too many cooks spoils the broth..that's what happened here..i found that at some places fight scenes were not enough creative for which HK cinema is known for and moreover the camera angles in some fighting sequences were not great and i was not feeling at ease while watching them throw punches and kicks without proper lighting or too much slow motion spoiled the mood. so the action lets you down some where but still good situational stunts keeps the interest alive.
Now the performance part..like previous part the Tony Leung Chiu Wai as Lam steals the show with his comical performance and daring stunts..and QI SHU as JJ stole the show..she was like a fresh air which entertained with her looks and performance and kept the movie entertaining during the whole time..Richie Ren as Owen Lee does OK..though there was nothing much to do for others!!
It was overall a good experience..Tony and Richie Ren's comic scenes keeps the Pace alive so you don't feel the shortcomings of this annoying.. So one time watch but don't expect anything extraordinary..!!
My Rating 7/10.