Brigitte Bako plays "Gigi" an aging actress and aging you know what that means in're over 30. She starts a movie career at around age 19 and does b-movies to support her parents. Gets too far into it to get out and only gets b-movie type roles. Fast forward 13 or 14 years later. Gigi goes back to Canada (her home and native land) and cares for her ailing mother who eventually dies. Goes back to Hollywood and tries to make sense of it all. We see Gigi go on auditions, go on bad dates and along the way meet and get to know her friends. This has a "Hollywood style trash --Sex and the City-- vibration" about it...IE: a girl and her friends whine about sex and their lives and get drunk along the way.
The comedy aspect of the show is a little bland and predictable. But I watched pretty much all the episodes in a row and didn't find myself bored at all. So if you miss Sex and the City, love underdog stories and are in need of some serious "girlfriend" time. G-spot is for you. Enjoy :)