I don't really get into films like this. Meaning black and white films with no recognizable names, a lot of profanity, and a very chauvinist outlook towards women. However that being said, if I just went by my perception of what the film was going to be and didn't actually watch the film, I would have missed out on a surprisingly deep and funny film. I use the word "Deep" lightly, and that is the director's fault, as the underlying relationship issues between not only men and women but people collectively should have been given more introspective and not just the light brushing over. In a film who's theme essentially "were all the same", I though the views and the script delivered the topic in a new way. Now there are quite a few technical problems, but I understand the film is the director's first film and was made with his college friends from the theater department, so some of that can be over looked. It moved very quickly and you may have to watch it again just to catch everything. I didn't get some of the dialog or references until I watched it again, kind of like when I watch the "Simpsons". They definitely don't spoon feed you, which is good for those of a higher brain function, however the subject matter is appealing to those of a low brain function as well. Good effort!