The DVD is made by ESPN Home Entertainment. It was probably featured on ESPN. So those who are either indifferent or just plain not interested in sports, would likely pass on this movie, which would be a shame because this movie is much more than "just another movie with a sports related theme". While the movie has a sports related theme, namely Army football, the story is rooted in the keeping of the honor code, a code that must never be broken. Loyalty is also a code that must never be broken. The movie, which is based on a true story, is about a group of cadets at West Point who after operating a cheating ring so they could play football for the greatest team in the country and maintain their grade average, are forced to choose between honor (a cadet never cheats) and loyalty (a cadet never betrays the trust of his fellow cadets). A lot of research went into this movie and a lot of homework was done to make this movie as authentic as possible, successfully capturing West Point as it was in 1950, complete with haircuts, uniforms, etc. I had to give this movie an 8 only because Harkins' ribbons were worn out of order and his collar device was worn wrong. As a (Go Navy) retiree, I have seen ribbon infractions on high ranking officers. So maybe I shouldn't be too hard on the make up crew for allowing the uniform infractions on Harkins' uniform. This is an excellent movie that could be watched over and over again.