Is it just me or does anyone else think this Dr. isn't on his game? First of all Gretchen needs to take a lot of responsibility for her actions that drive Danny to his situations. Although no one person can be the excuse for what you do they can still play an active roll in your insanity. When she was amongst all the strippers while DRINKING she could have made a choice as a married woman and told her friends that she doesn't want to partake in this, that she's a married woman and will go out with them but not hang around for this. She had a responsibility to make a decision also! Instead she told her husband that she didn't arrange the party and had nothing to do with the SURPRISE. She's lying to him and then wonders why it drives him crazy. Second, what kind of woman doesn't want sex with the man of her dreams or someone she truly loves? If she really loves him still!!! She has issues this stupid Dr. hasn't even broached and if its plan to the layman's eye why isn't he addressing her issues and stop pushing on Danny so much. In life there are always actions and reactions and he isn't very good if he can't take off the blinders and see that. In my opinion he isn't worth anything on this show and they need someone who will look at both sides objectively. If she doesn't want sex with him get out of the marriage.......PERIOD! Intimacy is a huge part of all relationships and by denying him that she is setting up this chaotic behavior, perhaps she is so used to this behavior its become a way of life. This is the stuff Dr. Garry isn't getting!!!! IN SHORT, HE SUCKS