THE ANCIENT (To order a copy) Directed by Richard McClure +, EFX by Richard Stallsmith Starring Fred Rosenberg , Andrew Rausch and April Wade.
At first I thought Charles E. Sellier and Sunn-Classic Films was back in business.
This film has a feel of IN SEARCH OF: The Manitou ?,Sometimes
Very newsreel/fake documentary footage.
The movie works on a lot of levels,There is gore and nudity and actors that seem real.
All the guys are ugly,All the women pretty
there we said it. The Zombies and Indian Monster were very interesting to combine and actually was a success in horror. The downsides,a few- Needs new poster,Blur all the un-authorized t-shirts and blur that damn constant beer company. This is seamless,With so many credits it flows still,Music was perfect
had a locale look could not get in California. So,Figure out the fixes and lets get it to the audience,We know it would have.