I had learned about the making of UNIVERSAL SIGNS a few years ago during the first ripples of information that a deaf movie that would be quite unique was being filmed. I was excited at the prospect of a movie "captioned for the hearing". As a college level American Sign Language instructor, an owner of a sign language instructional company and a film aficionado I often spoke to my classes about movies with deaf actors, themes or made by deaf filmmakers. This topic sparked interest in a few of my advanced level students who chose to complete a project about this movie. Several cast and the director of UNIVERSAL SIGNS were asked to complete a survey for my students project. All obliged and were very generous with their responses and wrote how extremely enthusiastic they were to have made this important and amazing film.
UNIVERSAL SIGNS transcends the need for spoken language. And quite frankly, the facial expressions and body language of the actors almost makes it unnecessary, at times, for sign language. The casting of actors who were deaf or were hearing , yet signed, proved that keeping the integrity of the deaf culture and ASL as part of the filming process was key. For me this kept the movie "real" and genuine.
I know that Universal Signs will now be added to my syllabus for ASL students to view. Thank you for making this splendid movie which made me laugh, weep , and proud to have followed this movie from casting to wide release in the theaters and on DVD.