I don't normally take part in such practices, however I felt compelled to have my say. I have a five year old son who if given his way will watch cartoon all day everyday . The few ours I allow him to watch television it's normally some over animated overly active television program. There is almost no such thing as family programming anymore, but this show is . my family sits down every Friday night, and watch Class of 3000. We find ourselves having a good time and the songs are even catchy. WE didn't have expectations going in but I have always respected Andres work and I can say the same about Class of 3000.Is it the best cartoon I've ever seen, no ,but it is a well thought out and even a well planned wholesome show. Way too often these cartoons, and their characters go right over children's head with all of the extra mature content. My favorite character is Lil D I think he represents a lot of kids in Atlanta (the one born and raised there). I hope it last ,it's nice for African American kids to see themselves in a cartoon.
There is a way to look at the past. Don't hide from it. It will not catch you if you don't repeat it